Scholarship Opportunities

Playground Core Boards
Playgrounds are one place where it's hard for children to carry their devices. Enter the core board, a large board that all children, no matter their verbal ability or reading ability, can use to talk about their recess experiences.
Our application is always open. We gift out boards quarterly and on occasion for big collaborative projects. Please ensure to complete the full application, as empty areas are automatically denied. Recipients will be notifed of award within 30 days.
***Our board recipients are now receiving a more comprehensive gift from us; including trainings!
Thank You!

As a way of improving access to information, we periodically award scholarships for in-person and virtual conferences such as #TalkingAAC and Michigan Speech & Hearing Association.
Scholarships for conferences are announced here on the website as well as on social media. Parents, SLPs, teachers, and other interested parties may apply.
Apply here for MSHA March 24-26, 2022
If you have a suggestion for a conference or training that we should consider for our scholarships, please send us a note.
Check back soon for our exciting announcements for upcoming opportunities!