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Where can you get an AAC evaluation?

  • ASHA, the American Speech-Language Hearing Association: Has a separate group (SIG 12) specifically for AAC; They can send you a list of SIG 12 affiliates in your state or area.They can also send you Preferred Practice Parameters, standards that guide speech-language pathologists in planning and implementing AAC services.



  • ESE, the Exceptional Student Education (special education) office in your local school district; Should be able to tell you what AAC resources are available in your school district.

  • USSAAC, the United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (

  • In Michigan; (WATT for Wayne County), 


Where can you get trained in Michigan?

Michigan Alliance for Families

Talking AAC

Alt Shift



AAC in the cloud

Practical AAC (blog but with webinars)

Work and videos by AAC specialist Kate Ahern

AssistiveWare for Proloquo2Go

AAC Institute


Jane Farrall Consulting

The AAC Coach

Saltillo (Materials to support and implement AAC learning strategies including games, simple stories, button sequences, and a toolbox to help with implementation.


Out of state annual conferences

AAC in the Desert (AZ)


Closing the Gap (MN)


AAC Specialists to Follow Online

Lauren Enders 
Kate Ahern 
Erin Sheldon 
Drs Karen Erickson & David Koppenhaver
Erin Polk (Kreed’s World)

Jane Farrall


AAC Training Online

STAR Training – great for respite caregivers or others with no experience


AAC Camps

PrAACtical AAC’s Pinterest board of camps






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